Parking Crew

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Parking crew members warmly welcome people as they arrive at Emmanuel. They maintain a safe flow of people through the lot and into the building. They assist in a variety of ways at the entrance and in the parking lot, including directing vehicles, helping folks exit and entre the van ministry, and occasionally clearing snow from the entrance and walkways. They direct traffic and help keep everyone safe!

Parking crew are enthusiastic about a safe and friendly first impression at Emmanuel. They attend regularly and want to serve in this important role. As part of the Welcome Teams, they serve during one service, every 3 weeks by coming early and leaving later that morning. Most crew members attend the service as well. They are physically able to navigate the parking lot on foot and occasionally shovel. Safety gear and training is provided.

In this role, your responsibilities would include:
   + Greeting those arriving to church verbally and through gestures as they drive in.
   + Observing the parking lot and ensuring safety for all those who are driving and walking in it.
   + During the winter months some light shoveling may be included in this roleCommitment: 2 hours every three weeks, on Sunday mornings.

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