This application is for students in Grades 7 and above who want to serve as Day Camp Counselors or Counselors in Training (CIT) this summer. ALL applicants must have a recent history of attending Emmanuel programs for at least 6 months in order to be considered. Staff applications are due May 20th, 2024.
PLEASE NOTE: - CIT (Counselor in Training) positions are unpaid for Adventure or Sports Camp and are open to students in Grades 7 or 8. - Counselors will be paid $100/week for Adventure Camp, Sports Camp or Extreme Camp and must be in Grade 9 or above. - All day camp staff positions qualify for 45 community service hours per week. - All day camp staff are expected to be available from 8am-5pm daily.
Camp Staff Training is a mandatory session of orientation on July 3rd from 1-5pm . This time will include team building, safety review and spiritual focus.
All day camp staff (CIT's and Counselors) are expected to attend this training.
Extreme Camp Staff Training Day is Tuesday, July 30th . All Extreme Camp Staff are expected to attend this training.
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Have you been attending Emmanuel programs for at least 6 months?
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Do you have any health problems, learning challenges, special needs or allergies that the Director should be aware of, or that may affect your involvement in camp activities? This includes any prescribed medication needed during camp, if you are under age 18.
Select Option
Parents/guardians of camp staff under the age of 18 will be contacted to provide a reference and complete a waiver. By providing your parent/guardian name and email, you are giving permission for Emmanuel to contact him or her for a reference.
*Contact information will be used by Emmanuel for communication regarding this and other events and ministries of Emmanuel. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information:
Privacy Policy
REFERENCES: Please provide three people who may be contacted for a reference. Please ask permission to include this person as a reference. We also ask that your references are over the age of 16 and that you do not include any relatives or Emmanuel pastors on this list.
Please provide a brief testimony of your Christian life including your life before Christ, how you found Christ, and how Christ has been working in your life. Your answer is expected to be written by you personally containing your own thoughts and feelings.
Safe Church training is mandatory for all volunteers working with children. If you have not yet completed Safe Church training the next session will be offered on
May 29th at 6:30pm at the Barrie Campus. There is no cost to attend. Please register
HERE. The following questions are related to our safe church screening process, and do not necessarily disqualify you from serving. If you would prefer to discuss these questions in person, please indicate that here. Your answers are confidential and will only be shared within the Children's or Youth ministry leadership team.
Are there any circumstances in your life or your background that could call into question your ability to safely work with children in a Christian environment? This includes use of alcohol, drugs, vaping, pornography and any illegal substance.
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I'd rather discuss this in person
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted? This does not include minor traffic violations.
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I'd rather discuss this in person
Have you ever been investigated for or accused of assault or violence, harassment or other immoral or illegal behaviour or conduct involving children, youth or vulnerable persons?
Select Option
I'd rather discuss this in person
I certify that the information contained in this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if my character or morals should be deemed inappropriate at any time during my volunteer service, Emmanuel will be entitled to immediately suspend my assistance. I will immediately inform a pastor or staff person at Emmanuel if any allegation of a criminal offence (including abuse, violence, alcohol or drugs) is made against me. I authorize the individuals and organizations listed to provide any information requested pertaining to my character and fitness to participate in a ministry at Emmanuel. I release forever all references from liability from any damage that may result from furnishing such evaluations. As an approved volunteer, I agree to be accountable to the leadership and policies of Emmanuel, and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my duties. I subscribe to the
Statement of Faith and agree to follow the Safe Church Policy. If I am over 18 years of age, I release Emmanuel from any medical liability and give permission to be photographed/videographed.