Psummer in the Psalms with Andy Symons and Dave Langdon

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Several people are committing to reading through the first 50 Psalms this summer.  We plan to do 5 psalms per week over 10 weeks starting in early June.  You can optionally purchase the book, "In the Lord I Take Refuge" to read devotionally.  It contains 150 daily devotions on the book of Psalms. Each devotion has the psalm of the day (in the ESV version) and a short 1 - 2 page commentary. 

The format of this Study is quite flexible. You have several options available:


a) You can do this completely on your own. Read the first 50 Psalms over the course of the Summer.


b) You can provide an email address to receive some basic notes on the psalms and some encouragement to keep pace with the rest of the people involved.  We hope to send out a weekly email.


c) You can join one or all of several meetings for discussion and prayer.  It is hoped there will be an in-person meeting at the beginning, middle and end of the ten weeks and an opportunity to join a Zoom meeting on the other weeks.


d) Some of us hope to do a bit of journalling and we are looking for a way to post comments on the psalms as we go along.  


If you choose to join, you can do what your motivation and schedule allow.  You can order a book on your own or we can order it for you.  It is our prayer that you will complete the 50 Psalms and that you will find some blessing through your time in the Word.

Please select one option.
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